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Triangle Baptist Church
4345 Inn Street
Triangle, Virginia 22172
(703) 221-7191

Triangle Baptist Church is pleased to offer the option of giving online through a secure website with VANCO. In order to use VANCO, you must create a profile. This is for your security and to ensure accurate accounting of your donations.
Giving through VANCO online is easy and allows you to:
- Make one time donations.
- Set up automatic recurring contributions.
- View your complete online giving history.
To take advantage of this option simply follow these easy steps:
- Click on the green DONATE ONLINE button at the bottom of the Home page.
- Click on the Create Profile button on the secure giving page.
- Follow the onscreen instructions to create an online profile.
- Sign into your account and make your one time donation or schedule your recurring contributions.
- In the future simply go to the bottom of the church website home page and click on the green DONATE ONLINE button to go directly to the secure giving page.
Frequently asked questions:
- How do I start giving on line? When you click on the green GIVE ONLINE button at the bottom of our home page you will be directed to the giving site. Before you will be able to give, you must create a profile through the Create Profile button.
- How secure is giving on line? We have contracted with VANCO, a premier financial processing company that is used by 1000s of churches and businesses nationwide, to provide our service. When you connect to VANCO through your sign-on you will be on a site as secure as doing business with your bank.
- May I make recurring payments? You have the option of setting up a recurring payment either once a month or weekly. And of course, you can give just the one time.
- May I pick the starting date of my recurring donation? You may set a date to start the recurring payment for whatever date you wish.
- How do I cancel my recurring payment or change the amount or frequency? You simply enter a new recurring payment for the new amount ($0 to cancel) and make the start date the day you make the changes. You are completely in control of your giving.
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